Fat loss factor or also known as fat loss factor diet was started by Dr. Charles Livingston, a physician from Indiana which is also popular nutritionist and fitness coach. The difference between fat loss factor and other diet programs is the fact that this is actually tested on someone to make sure that it is effective. Unlike other diet plans which are only hype and do not really deliver.

In regards to fat loss factor, it was tested by Dr. Livingston to one of his patient named Lori Allen. Lori Allen is a mother of 3 children and is weighing 210 pounds at the time of the study. She had tried everything she can to lose weight but all are not effective. She was desperate to lose weight that she agreed to try the techniques that are part of the fat loss factor.

After trying the program, she was surprised to see that she was able to lose weight. As a bonus, she became healthier and fitter unlike before.

Concept of Fat Loss Factor

In choosing any weight loss program, there are several factors that you need to consider. The first thing that comes to mind is its effectiveness. With fat loss factor, there is no question that the program is effective as shown with Lori Allen. Besides her, there are other two hundred thousand people all over the world who were able to lose weight just by following the techniques of fat loss factor.

Another thing to put in consideration is the design of the program as well as its goals. Is the design easy to follow? Are the goals achievable even by ordinary people? The simple answer is yes. In terms of the design of this weight loss program, you can easily follow them. The instructions are easy to follow without any hype.

When it comes to the goals, all goals may differ from one person to another. However, they are all achievable even regular folks will understand this weight loss program. This type of weight loss can easily be followed, you don’t even have to buy special and expensive stuff  just to follow the rules. Even ordinary people who are health conscious can try the program, you don’t have to be a popular Hollywood actor just to take this weight loss program.

Exercise and Fat Loss Factor

Exercise in fat loss factor is classified for beginners, intermediates and extreme. For beginners, they can start their exercises with three times a week. The ideal exercise should start thirty to forty minutes and may increase after a couple of weeks. The exercises may include high intensity cardio and light weight lifting. Aside from cardio and strength training, it is also recommended that you include brisk walking.

These exercises will definitely help increase your metabolic rate  and burn all the stored fats thus resulting to weight loss. Aside from weight loss, it will also boost your immune system.

Just remember that you do some stretching before doing any exercises. This will avoid any injuries later on.